Editors: Kay Chan & Duveen Kalansooriya
An exploration of Artificial intelligence with Jessica Forde
Dive into the interesting realm of AI, as Jessica Forde explains the current limitations and applications of artificial intelligence.
An Interview With Nick Lazzara! Former President of RadioMonash - Neurodiversity Week
An interview with Nick Lazzara for Neurodiversity Week! Nick is the former president or Radio Monash, so we talk all on what it takes to lead a Radio Station, being neurodiverse in a neurotypical world, and being a chemistry student.
An Interview With Maggie Chapman - Neurodiversity Week
An interview with Maggie Chapmand for neurodiversity week. We chat to Maggie all about being neurodiverse, her music, and her advocacy for disabilities.
An Interview With Isabella Rogers-Headicar - Neurodiversity Week
For neurodiversity week, and interview with Isabella Rogers-Headicar, former OB of D&C, disability actvitst and a former biomed student.
An interview with Sati Öcal
Winner of the TAC’s 2023 Split Screen Competition, Georgie interviews Sati all on her experience with her debut film.