The Featured Festivals Finale
Welcome to the first-ever summary article for the Feature Festival series! While the series isn’t ending permanently, my next festival won't be for a few months. Given this break, I thought it would be a perfect time to summarize and rank the past five festivals I've attended.
It's not that I don't want to go to more festivals sooner, but music festivals, especially in Melbourne, tend to slow down during the winter. The few big festivals that do happen during this time, like Splendour in the Grass and Spin Off, deter me for other reasons. Splendour in the Grass was a muddy mess previously and was cancelled this year, making my reasons pretty self-explanatory. Spin-Off is still running, yet since it's in Adelaide and right before the start of our second semester, it's not ideal for me.
Fortunately, this decrease in music festivals means it's Melbourne's season for gigs and other types of festivals (e.g., film, food, etc.). So, despite my disappointment at the lack of music festivals, there will be plenty of other events to attend and write about. I'm getting ahead of myself, though, so without further ado, here is the Featured Festivals Finale!
Final Rankings ~
Although I had a wonderful time at ALL these festivals and would go to each one of them again some were simply better run than others. In saying that this was still such a difficult task, and I found myself stewing over these rankings for quite some time. Please note I have judged these on not just how much fun I had at them but their overall planning, production and performances. Also, just to be dramatic, I ranked them back to front so it’s like a countdown to my favourite festival of the season.
5. Day on the Green (2.3.2024)
Whilst I adored this event, given that I went with my family, and The Chemical Brothers and Presets were brilliant, I’m still not sure I could call it a ‘festival’. Even if I would classify it as such the practicality of getting there and getting out isn’t for the faint of heart. For the limited amount of boogying time, the transport, and the associated expense just doesn’t feel worth it. Don’t get me wrong I would go again, especially if my parents were driving (thanks mum & dad) but for people my age who are likely not to be too financially stable, or have a car of their own, A Day on the Green is a less attractive ‘festival’ to attend.
4. Pandemonium (20.4.2024)
The performances that I watched at Pandemonium were by far some of the best I’ve seen all festival season. Nonetheless, despite how strong Alice Cooper, Blondie and Wheatus's sets were, the organisers did them so dirty. Given it was the festival's first time running, it did a pretty decent job regarding the basic festival essentials like food and restrooms, water availability, and enough space. However, there were too many problems with the lineup, accessibility and lack of appropriate refunds for me to put it any higher. Overall, I would still suggest Pandemonium Rocks, particularly if the organisers stepped up their game.
3. Pitch (8.3.2024 → 12.3.2024)
Pitch got cancelled while I was attending it, and in all honesty, it shouldn’t have run in the first place. If such events hadn’t occurred, this festival would’ve placed as number one. The Pitch organizers were severely unprepared for the extreme environmental conditions, making the situation even messier. Despite those unfortunate circumstances, attendees received a 70-100% refund on tickets and bus passes (if purchased). The parts of the festival I did get to enjoy were beautiful, and I’m sure if the environmental circumstances had been different, the festival would have been brilliant!
2. Laneway (10.2.2024)
Laneway is a hugely popular festival that hosts artists from a wide range of genres, notably, Pop, House, Rap, Indie, and Techno. Whilst it didn’t house any of my favourite performances of the season, the sets were still top-tier. On top of that, the location was great, the stages were well set up, plenty of water, food and drink stations, just an overall solidly done event. It’s a great festival for first-timers, and if you’re trying to get into the scene this is an easy-going and fun way to start. Don’t forget your sun protection essentials and an empty bottle of water, as one thing about this festival is that it's extremely hot!
1. Ultra (13.3.2024)
Ultra is my ultra-best festival of the season! Not only did it have all the pros of Laneway (i.e. the ideal festival essentials) the sets that I got to enjoy were brilliant. A huge crowd that is all obsessed with the same music, boogying along together, what more could you ask for? Techno events like these are always the best for two reasons 1) the music is continuous, so there's no awkward waiting between sets, and 2) the light shows are top-notch, with the lights providing an incredible spectacle even if the acts don't. For those interested in techno, or those just looking for a fun, carefree event, this is the festival for you!
Final Festival Factors ~
I believe that music festivals are one of the most beautiful and joyous experiences that the Anthropocene has produced. They're environments in which people from any background come together to celebrate and explore their shared love of music. I hope this article, and the ones before it has inspired and prepared you to go out and experience such beauty first-hand.
Before I go a special thanks to those who have been following along and supporting this series the whole time, I promise I will find bigger and better festivals to attend and review for you soon!
See you at the next festival,