Get Inspired by Singer-Songwriter Genesis Owusu
Genesis Owusu is an inspiration. If you take anything from this article that should be it
Kofi Owusu-Ansah, aka. Genesis Owusu is a twenty-five-year-old Ghanaian-Australian Canberra singer who has just dropped his newest album ‘Struggler’ (18.08.2023). You might know him from his hit songs ‘WUTD’ and ‘GTFO’ or even from his recent tours with Paramore and Glass Animals. If none of these ring a bell take this as your sign to ‘Get Inspired’ by Genesis Owusu.
His music has often been described as “laid-back funk, hardcore rap, and the energy of alternative rock” (Simpson, 2023). Personally, his music is more soulful than any other genre. Soul music, in the typical sense of the genre, yes, but more so in the way that when he sings it feels like he’s singing to your soul. Although his music is beautiful, and that should be reason enough to listen to it, it also often shares a meaningful story. His first album ‘Smiling With No Teeth’ revolves around two black dog characters, one being depression and the other being racism (Z-sides Music Reviews, 2022). Even the title of the said album shares a story alluding to the idea of wearing a forced smile when everything around you is falling apart (Z-sides Music Reviews, 2022). Furthermore, his new album ‘Struggler’ follows the journey of a roach that runs and runs, constantly avoiding getting stepped on by God. He portrays this roach character as a metaphor for humanity, and the God character symbolises the vast, uncontrollable universe that surrounds us (Munson, 2023) Essentially, his music depicts how no matter what life might throw at us “...a roach keeps roaching” (Genesis Owusu, ‘Leaving the Light’)
Images Sourced from Genesis Owusu’s Instagram ~ @genesisowusu (from left to right): A thank you post for his album ‘Smiling With No Teeth’ (9.3.2021, An overview of his general Instagram feed (29.6.22- 20.10.22), and a post promoting his newest album ‘Struggler’ (18.8.23).
Although he’s been producing music for nearly eight years, I’ve been following (in a non-creepy way I promise) Genesis Owusu for about two. I became a fan early last year and a super fan after seeing him perform before Lil Nas X at Lost Paradise 2022. Two months later I was lucky enough to see him for free at the St Kilda Festival (19.2.23), and have recently debated shaving my head just so I could be in the music video for his new song ‘Stay Blessed’. I even got a friend to photoshop me with a shaved head to see if it was worth it, but I ultimately decided against it. Luckily he had a recent Album launch (20.8.23), so despite not making it to the video, I was able to see him perform up close and personal in a record shop in Fitzroy. I bought myself a CD of his new album (even though I don’t have a CD player), and my brother a record, just so I could get them both signed when I met him. After nearly crying at this meet and greet I find myself eagerly waiting for his Canberra Concert in December, and debating buying tickets to his Melbourne one as well.
Images Sourced By Lizzie Tooth (from left to right): Genesis Owusu at St Kilda Festival, CD signing and Album launch.
If you couldn’t tell he is my favourite artist. I’ve got practically all his songs saved to one or many of my playlists across Spotify, BUT, if you forced me to recommend the songs that inspired me the most I’d have to suggest the following:
★ A Song About Fishing (2021) ~ A song that flows like poetry, and a beautiful metaphor for the mental struggles that Genesis has had to endure.
★ Drive Slow (2017) ~ A journalistic intro that transitions to a static rap about the control we think we have, and how things don’t always go the way we perceive they would, for Genesis it’s fame.
★ Good Times (2020) ~If there was any song to dance down the street to this would be it, a laid-back funky reminder that good times will come and go.
★ Don’t Need You (2021) ~ This song embodies realisation, self-empowerment, and growth. About leaving behind the toxic relationships you have within yourself and others. The energy this song provides is unmatched.
★ Tied Up! (2023) ~ By far my favourite from his new album, the bass and other instrumentals/sound effects compliment the lyrics in a way that makes you feel like Genesis is there with you.
And this list wouldn’t be complete without the most inspiring song of his…
★ Get Inspired (2022) ~ The first song I ever heard of his, ironically enough the one that inspires me the most. It has some of my favourite lyrics of all time all in the first verse including; ‘If it's not making dollars, baby, it’s not making sense’, ‘Feels like I'm out here scuba diving with an anchor’, and ‘How I’m so clueless with the last name Ansah’. The way he plays with words is so clever and catchy, yet still with so much beauty and meaning behind them. For someone constantly trying to get better, Get Inspired motivates me creatively, physically and emotionally, and I hope it, along with the rest of Genesis’s music, can do the same for you.
Image Sourced from Genesis Owusu’s Spotify: Get Inspired Single (2022).
A singer-songwriter, a storyteller, a performer, a designer, and a videographer, Genesis Owusu is an artist in every sense of the word. Like himself, his music carries truths, emotions, power and influence. Thank you, Genesis Owusu, for inspiring us Roaches and Black Dogs to keep going and growing. Now go listen and get inspired, Lizzie T
Simpson P (2023) Genesis Owusu Biography. AllMusic. Retrieved From
Z-sides Music Reviews (2022) Smiling With No Teeth by Genesis Owusu | Album Review. Modern Music Analysis. Retrieved From m-review-f3c0848aefaf#:~:text=In%20March%202021%20Genesis%20would,and%20the%20oth er%20being%20racism
Munson M (2023) Genesis Owusu Talks About His New Album ‘Struggler’. Nashville Public Album. Retrieved From m_medium=rss&utm_campaign=genesis-owusu-talks-about-his-new-album-struggler